Joker is a Dissociative Identity Disorder system.
Akira Kurusu and Ren Amamiya are the alters I write the most. I tag who's fronting, so check the tags if you're unsure. More information here.

NICKNAME. | Joker |
PRONOUNS. | He/him or they/them (plural) |
AGE. | 16-17 |
SPECIES. | Human |
BIRTHDAY. | August 23 |
LOCATION. | Café Leblanc, Yongen-Jaya |
OCCUPATON. | Student, Phantom Thief, helper at Leblanc, and part-time bartender at Crossroads |
HEIGHT. | 5'9 (175 cm) |
HAIR. | Black, unkempt, around eye-length |
EYES. | Grey, framed by long lashes |
BUILD. | Tall and lanky, with muscles built from training and his activities in the Metaverse |
OTHER. | Wears a pair of fake glasses |
Akira Kurusu
I am thou, thou art I… Thou who art willing to commit all sacrilegious acts for thine own justice, call upon my name and release thy rage! Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thy own, though thou be chained to Hell itself!
NAME. Akira Kurusu
AGE. 16-17
GENDER. Trans Boy (he/him)
ORIENTATION. Polyamorous Biromantic Asexual (closeted, despite his best efforts)
ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Good
MENTAL HEALTH. Autism, DID, Anxiety, PTSD, selective mutismAt first glance,
Akira Kurusu is nothing to take note of. An awkward, unassuming high school boy who mumbles more than he speaks and seems content to stand back and observe, without many strong opinions of his own.That couldn't be further from the truth.Quiet, sharp, and fiercely loyal–to his friends and allies, to his world, to his principles–Akira hides the smoldering charcoal of his eyes behind a pair of fake glasses and a veneer of apathy, the mask he adorned long before he ever entered the Metaverse. He lives in an unjust society and he knows it, a society where standing up for what's right can ruin your life. And ruin his life it did.Akira remembers very little of his childhood, other than that he grew up lonely. Then he stood up to Masayoshi Shido, and the rest is history.He was arrested, expelled from school, and shipped off to Tokyo to live with a complete stranger for his year of probation. His parents didn't even try to defend him and sent him away to dodge the shame from what happened, but his reception in Tokyo wasn't any warmer. His guardian made it clear that he was an unwanted burden, not even worthy of staying in the same house, of having a real bed or a clean room. Akira played the polite, diligent child, willing to keep his head down and do what he needed to make it through the year, but inside, his anger boiled. He had done the right thing, but no one cared. He was the one treated like a rotten criminal, while the man who'd tried to kidnap and assault a woman got off scot-free and anonymous. Where was the justice there?In the Metaverse he is Joker, fearless leader of the Phantom Thieves, intense and determined with an occasional flair for dramatics. The rage inside him burns cold and bright, his calm efficiency and self-assurance almost eerie. But beneath everything, at his very core, is warmth. He has a simple and earnest sense of justice; naive, some would say. Justice is helping people.
And to Akira, that justice is unshakable. OTHER.
Akira is usually accompanied by his cat, Morgana, who rides around in his bag and on his shoulder. He sees Morgana as something of a little brother, and will subtly talk to him even around people who don't know he can talk and just hear meows.
Ren Amamiya
NAME. Ren Amamiya
AGE. 18-19
GENDER. Boy (he/him)
ALIGNMENT. Neutral GoodSelf-sufficient, stubborn, and playful, Ren reflects the ways he’s treated back onto the world, matching kindness with kindness and meeting aggression with attitude. He's emotionally honest, blunt, and carries a strong protective instinct that edges almost dangerously into self-sacrifice.Ren is a Protector.
While Akira only remembers vague pieces of their childhood, Ren lived through the rest–the severe neglect, verbal and physical abuse, and horrible, crushing loneliness, both at home and at school. He didn't have many friends, save one who moved away a couple years before Ren did and lost touch with him.After moving to Tokyo, things began improving, especially for Akira, who started fronting more as he befriended the other Phantom Thieves. It was bittersweet, in a way. Still, Ren was Joker, too; he couldn’t summon Arsène, but could use any other Persona in their stash, and the probation journal meant he was always up-to-date with what Akira and his friends were doing.